Life Lately


Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style

Well hi there y’all! It’s been awhile and I’ve really been missing posting updates here. The longer I’m away from the blog, the harder it feels to start again, but here’s a catch up post about my life lately and I’m really hoping to start posting again more regularly!
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style

Health Update

Last September I posted this update about finding out I had major jaw joint absorption. While this diagnosis did explain some of the pain, fatigue, digestion and sleep disruption I had been experiencing, it still didn’t get to the root of the problem. Finally at the beginning of 2024, I listened to my pings and scheduled another Full Body Thermography. I was asked if I wanted to add a heavy metals test and thought “why not?” After reviewing all of my scans and tests, my practitioner Carolyn very excitedly let me know that she knew the culprit behind all my mysterious symptoms. My heavy metals levels were extremely high and I started a detox protocol in early February!

After countless exploratory doctor visits and so much time and money spent trying to figure out my mysterious symptoms it was such a relief to finally get some answers! For anyone struggling with symptoms that can’t be diagnosed, I would highly suggest getting screened for heavy metals, mold and parasites. The more I have delved into my journey to wellness, the more I have heard of all three of these issues being responsible (and unfortunately rarely seem to be tested for by Western medicine doctors). While getting my health and energy back has been a slow process, I’m so excited to be on the road to recovery.

If you have gone through a heavy metals detox, I’d love to hear more about your recovery and tips, so please leave me a message below!

Dr. Joe Dispenza Week Long Advanced Retreat

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you might already know that I’ve become very dedicated to a meditation and manifesting process over the past 6 years. As I had become more and more confident in trusting the universe to call in material things, I was of course getting quite frustrated with my health issues getting progressively worse the last few years. The universe seemed to deliver in the form of a few people suggesting that I look into the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. I remembered he had been on the manifesting podcast I listen to, so I went back to finally listen to his episodes and then proceeded to read his books Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Being Supernatural.

After being blown away by the amazing healing stories experienced by so many of his students, I decided to download and take Dr. Joe’s 23 hour Progressive and Intensive Online Course in March of 2023. I started incorporating Dr. Joe’s meditations alongside the To Be Magnetic meditations I had been doing for years and decided I would attend one of the live retreats as soon as I could. When Dr. Joe announced he would be holding a Dallas retreat in August, I marked the dates on my calendar and signed up as soon as registration opened in April. I just got back from what I can only describe as a life changing week shared with over 2000 souls from 72 countries all with the goal of opening their hearts and creating a better life for themselves and the world around them!

While I am still in the process of fully taking in and understanding all of the new meditation techniques and tools I learned over the amazing weeklong workshop, I would highly encourage you to watch the film The Source. This amazing documentary will take you into the incredible world of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work and the scientific data behind it!

Please let me know if you’re thinking about or already doing Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations. I would love to connect!
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style

Styling at Neiman Marcus

As I mentioned last year, in the middle of trying to figure out what on earth was causing all of my health issues, I somehow manifested a part time job as a stylist in the Designer Ready to Wear department at Neiman Marcus. The job search started on a whim as I was really concerned that I wasn’t meeting people and getting out enough after moving to Dallas. I was still submitting audition tapes and working on the blog (as well as remodeling our new home and raising a puppy), but I thought the idea of having to get dressed up and have somewhere to be a couple days a week sounded like a healthy idea post pandemic times. I quickly learned that getting hired only two days a week was near impossible and was extremely fortunate to land a position for three days a week. I do often have to do a few hours of work from home or pop in to the store to meet with clients on days off, but for the most part I am really enjoying my newfound role in the fashion world!

Over the past fifteen months I’ve gotten an incredible hands on perspective and education on both designer fashion and working with some really incredible clients! I’ve also gotten to work one on one with some of our designers when they make in store appearances, as well as working with our brand representatives and events team. There’s rarely a dull moment and I’ve gotten to learn something new everyday!

One of my biggest inspirations for working at Neiman Marcus was Betty Halbreich who worked at (our sister store) Bergdorf Goodman for almost 50 years, until her death just this past week. Last October when I visited Bergdorf’s, the Designer Manager had offered to arrange for me to meet her next time I was in town and I am so very sad I didn’t get back in time. Nevertheless the legendary Betty will live on in memory and I will continue to tell client’s to “take that dress off right now” in her honor! If you have yet to read her books I’ll Drink to That and Secrets of a Fashion Therapist, I would highly recommend them! I would also recommend the film Spread My Ashes ay Bergdorf, which was my initial introduction to this incredible Fashion Icon to begin with.

Feel free to message me if you’re interested in booking a styling appointment. I work with clients both in store and virtually!
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style
allas Lifestyle Blogger Lisa Valerie Morgan wears AGUA by Agua Bendita Dress with Tammy & Benjamin Bag at Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Los Angeles.

Visiting Los Angeles

Mo and I took these photos last month when I went back to LA for a week to update my acting reels and go to a few medical appointments. I rushed to meet Mo at Brentwood Country Mart as I really wanted to go to Sezane and Doen, but unfortunately my dentist appointment ran so long that we got there right after the stores closed. Nevertheless we managed to shoot a few looks including this gorgeous AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, before heading over to a fabulous dinner at Forma in Brentwood.

I had so much fun in LA shooting, catching up with friends and visiting both the Studio City and Beverly Hills Erewhon markets (you can take the girl out of LA, but…). This was the first trip that I did get a little bit homesick for Los Angeles (I really miss the weather, friends, organic food so easily available and not getting eaten alive by mosquitoes)… but Dallas is where I call home and I really am grateful that we moved here!

This was the longest I had ever been away from my hubby and puppy (before going to the Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat) and I really missed them both so much! Mr. Cupcake did a happy dance around me and wagged his tail so hard for quite a bit when I got back. I’m not sure which one of us missed the other more and we both followed each other around for the rest of the night until bedtime.
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style

Home Remodel Update

We had our dining room wallpaper installed just before I left for LA and it’s another dream manifestation come through! I choose the dreamy classic Schumacher Brighton Pavilion in Emerald and it is absolutely stunning! Photos coming soon!!
Thank you so much for stopping by and can’t wait to catch up again soon!
Dallas Lifestyle Blogger, AGUA by Agua Bendita dress, Kate Spade pumps, Tammy & Benjamin Bag, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Parisian Style
AGUA by Agua Bendita, Sezane, Brentwood Country Market, Tammy and Benjamin, Resort Style



Photos by Mo Summers.

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