7 Wellness Tools to Help You Survive the Quarantine

7 Wellness Tools to Help You Survive the Quarantine, What to do when you hit rock bottom, mental health, Shaman Durek, Four Sigmatic, Lacy Phillip's Expanded Podcast, To Be Magnetic, How to cope with depression, Mama Medicine, Alexis Smart Flower Remedies, Adaptogens, Health and Wellness, Yogaworks, How to cope with the Covid-19 Quarantine, Staying sane while Quarantined | Essential Wellness Tools by popular Los Angeles lifestyle blog, Pretty Little Shoppers: image of a woman standing next to large pane window and holding a monogram mug.

To some extent, I must say I was seemingly more prepared for the Covid-19 quarantine than most. No, I did not have stock piles of toilet paper (or anything else for that manner). Rather, my husband and I had been about 75% self quarantined as a result of our house selling nightmare. After years of constant open houses and showings and some health issues we were facing, we were in a constant state of stress and exhaustion. At some point over a year ago we simply lost the desire to go out and Netflix and chill became our new norm. And between working on this blog and The Fash Life series, it’s not like I ever had the time to be bored.

That being said I am truly missing the freedom to leave the house. I am convinced that my four or five classes a week at YogaWorks was part of the glue to my sanity, along with an occasional blogger event and photo shoot. Mister Pretty Little Shopper went into early retirement a couple of years ago due to his health complications and went from working 11 hours a day outside the home (plus a 2 hour commute) to assuming his new job of driving me insane! 🙂 It was a huge adjustment period and I can’t imagine having to have made it without being able to leave my house. I am sending my love to all of you out there who are going crazy having your spouses and kids home non-stop, as well as to my single ladies and men out there who are craving human companionship. This is a tough time for all, but I promise you that we will somehow make it through.

With that all said, I wanted to share a few of the essential wellness tools I picked up that helped me through my last few years of constant stress. I’m actually leaning into these tools even more now during the novel Coronavirus pandemic and I hope you will add a few of these to your mental health toolbox as well.

7 Essential Wellness Tools to Help You Survive the Quarantine

To Be Magnetic

I discovered Lacy Phillips work when I Googled “What do you do when you hit rock bottom?” almost two years ago. I had been feeling like my whole world was caving in and I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the day, let alone the week. Not only is Lacy the worlds leading manifestation teacher (who dispels spiritual bypass to give you tools that actually work), but she also has an amazing podcast where she brings on her network of leading experts in the health and wellness fields (a few of the other tools I’m listing below were actually discoveries I made through her referrals. I’ve been doing Lacy’s unblocking workshops and Daily Reprogramming Exercises daily since I discovered her work and I would say it’s the single most important thing that’s gotten me through.

Shaman Durek

Okay, I’m obsessed with Shaman Durek and his lit train! As a spiritual guide and gifted healer, Shaman Durek acts as a mediator or “bridge” between the spiritual and physical planes. As a sixth generation Shaman, he applies ancient spiritual wisdom, coupled with decades of devoted study and practice, to help bring success, happiness and healing into peoples lives. Durek’s book Spirit Hacking is a must read and be sure to check out his Ancient Wisdom Today podcast and daily motivations and wisdom on Instagram.

YogaWorks Online

I’ve had a membership at YogaWorks for years now and typically make it to a Yoga or Yo-Box class at least 3 to 5 times a week. While I’m definitely missing the in person getaway, I’ve recently adjusted to making the long commute downstairs to yoga in my basement. 🙂 Yogaworks online membership has hundreds of classes to choose from, categorized by class level, type of yoga, class time and even how you want to feel (ie. energized, calm, Zen, pain relief, etc.). Not only can you choose from hundreds of pre-recorded classes, but with the pandemic in effect there are also tons of live streaming classes all for just $15 a month! I already had my own yoga mat, but I just purchased these yoga blocks and this strap to have props for my “home studio.”

Mama Medicine

Deborah Hanekamp empowers people to be their own healer through a healing modality she created called a Medicine Reading. I’ve had the honor to attend two of Deborah’s healing sessions when she came through Los Angeles last year and immediately felt a shift in my well being as I had been going through such a constant spiral of chaos in my life. Also known as “Mama Medicine” and named “fashion’s favorite healer” by Vogue, Deborah offers online healing session and has a new book that just hit the cyber shelves called Ritual Bath: Be Your Own Healer which you can purchase here.

Alexis Smart Flower Remedies

Alexis Smart creates hand crafted, natural healing and homeopathic remedies from the wildflowers of the English countryside. Learn more about her story and remedies on this episode of Lacy Phillip’s Expanded Podcast here.

Four Sigmatic

I’ve written about adaptogens previously on my blog here, here and here, but with all the chaos going on around me, I am finding using Four Sigmatic coffees and cacaos consistently, to be extremely effective. I am absolutely loving their adaptogen coffee mixes in the morning (I alternate between “Think With”, “Balance With” and “Get Going With” depending on my mood. At night I’ve been mixing up a packet of Four Sigmatic’s Mushroom Cacao Mix with Reishi to promote relaxation and sleep. I add a splash of this almond milk to both my coffee and cacao mixes for a delicious treat. I’m finding this new daily ritual of adaptogens to be calming and soothing, as well as a helpful tool to cut back on wine.


When I was in film school I saw the movie Sullivan’s Travels for the first time and it is still one of my favorite movies of all time. The classic 1941 film, written and directed by Preston Sturges is a satire about Hollywood’s top director of comedies who longs to make a socially relevant drama, but eventually learns that creating laughter is the greatest gift to society. If you haven’t to see Sullivan’s Travels, I would highly recommend this classic and important film, as well as taking some time to laugh be it through face time with a friend, playing with your kids and pets, watching a funny movie or TV show, or reading a book that tickles your soul. Please share some of your favorites with me!

What are your favorite tools to improve your mental health during covid-19? I am always trying to add new ideas to my wellness routine, so please share in the comments below, or feel free to send me an email.

Photo by Mo Summers.

Thank you so much for stopping by!



What are some of your essential wellness tools?  Let me know in a comment below!

Let’s be social!


  1. Susanna
    April 7, 2020 / 3:08 am

    Several years ago, in an attempt to begin healing from sustained high stress, I made a list of 10 things that are so important to me that I suffer in some way if I don’t get them. I rate each category from 0 to 10, depending on how I’m doing in that area, then add them for my total score out of a possible 100. This was a useful self-assessment tool during that time. I wasn’t good at remembering to eat and hydrate, and I was having serious sleep difficulties.

    Some of the things that brought me from a toxic place to a thriving and healthy place have been learning to set healthy boundaries, letting go of unrealistic expectations of myself and my life, accepting things I can’t change, plus developing mental toughness through heavy weightlifting, long-distance running, and Krav Maga self defense. I also need time for quiet solitude, reading, creating, genuine connection with close friends, and drinking in beauty. As a busy caregiver mom, these things had fallen to the wayside. After we adjusted life to make space for my needs, I am peaceful, happy, and energetic and no longer suffer from a list of physical and mental health issues.

    • lisa@hollywoodfoodchain.com
      April 7, 2020 / 8:21 am

      Thank you for sharing all this Susanna! Your story is so inspiring and these tips are so helpful to me and many others I’m sure. It really is an ongoing practice to stay healthy both physically and mentally! Hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during quarantine!



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